Perfection Lost

by Michael X. Ferraro

When Yu’re slinging goose eggs on the board
With yur slider zipping like Zorro’s sword
.      The last thing Yu need
.      Is for Pierzynski to plead
In a way that the ump deems untoward.


Halfway-Point Haiku

by D. Bruce Brown

Is Haiku foolish?
For the national pastime?
Heavens, I hope not.

NL West
Nice guys finish last
Crabby managers do win
They still need pitching

Los Angeles
Is money the key?
It can bring in the big names
No, it’s the scouting

Thin air skews his stats.
Is Todd a Hall of Famer?
No, probably not

San Francisco
We won it all twice…
With an absence of offense
Only even years

San Diego
A beautiful park
The only Hall of Famer
Is up in the booth

NL East
Fourteen in a row
Is not so impossible
It might start this year

First picks starting games
Davey says this is his last
A doormat no more

A team on the rise
They are not now any more
We all miss Harry

New York
A small pantheon
But will be growing soon now
Matt Harvey’s a star

Was ever team
More worthy than its owner
To be in the Bigs?

NL Central
St. Louis
The league’s best record
They have birds on their jerseys
We all will miss Stan

A great tradition
Lives on in the memory of fans
Maybe the year’s here!

Phillips is wondrous
The rest are outstanding too
It’s Dusty’s last year

The city’s windy
Is anything more constant
Than fans’ apathy?

Segura is great
John Axford is clean shaven
Nicest fans ever


D. Bruce Brown has posted daily trivia questions for Horsehide Trivia since 1997.  He is also the president of the Bob Davids chapter of SABR.

The Bullpen Grass

by James Finn Garner

Chris Perez and his old lady
Were caught last week in something shady.

The closer, FedEx at the door,
Welcomed a surprising score.

To give himself some legal cover,
The genius had it mailed to Rover.

Does he think one must be baked
To pitch in the Mistake by the Lake?

If Chris wants to invest in stalks, he
Might finagle a trade to the Rockies.


Bug in Gut But No Hitch in Cut

by Michael X. Ferraro

The Nats have a slugger named Bryce
whose tummy felt not very nice.
.      Still he stayed in the game
.      and four knocks gained him fame
since he upchucked once more than thrice!

2013 AL East Prediction Haiku

By Stuart Shea

The Orioles soared…
Does anyone believe they
Can fly high again?

With no Valentine,
Can the Olde Towne Team win back
Bleeding Boston hearts?

Old Yankee soldiers
May not die, but do tend to
End up disabled

Rays fans hold out hope
That good pitching can make up
For that weird infield

When blue jays make noise
It signals that something is
Wrong in the forest