The Old Bat Retires

by Sid Yiddish

So the old bat retires,
Giving the ball something new to do, probably find its way into a brand new mitt, to be played with and spit upon and fingered and twisted and thrown, goodness knows how many times,
But the ball loves it and doesn’t have to worry, now that the old bat is retiring and won’t have to keep an eye out for where the ball’s been.

Posted 8/20/08


by James Finn Garner

No one with a bat is more handy,
With a stance coiled like ribbon candy.

His gait is smooth like aged brandy,
Stretching singles into doubles his modus operandi.

In any outfield, verdant or sandy,
He’ll grab more flies than the Rio Grande.
With five skills at his command, he
Picks up his team like a Starbucks grande.
He could melt the heart of Tristram Shandy.
Man o man, that kid is dandy.
Can’t you tell? I love Grandy!

Posted 8/8/08 


by Millie Bovich

A young centerfielder named Cratchett

Any fly in his zone, he would catch it.

With a wart on his nose

Almost big as a rose,

With his gloved hand, he just couldn’t scratch it!

Posted 6/9/08

Thanks To All Our Contributors and Readers !

BARDBALL’s rookie season was an experience that went far beyond our expectations. We’d like to sincerely thank everyone who checked us out, submitted poems, came to the “Poetry Grand Slam” in Chicago, and told their friends about us. Through sheer word-of-mouth, news about us spread all over the globe.


And Ernie Harwell sent us a lovely note. Ernie. Harwell. Can you dig it?


BARDBALL will be shutting down for the Hot Stove Season and emerge in Spring Training 2008 with new baseball verse, songs, and parody. We plan on some site improvements that will help us show more than one poem a day (to give the casual browser a chance to catch up) and allow video postings. We’ll also retire the “Barry Bonds Limerick Challenge” and keep an eye out for another juicy scandal to exploit. Other changes are also in the works. So bookmark us and check us out again next spring for the 2008 season.


So long, everybody! See you at game time!


James Finn Garner


Stu Shea