by Fred Lovato
Opening Day games
not on TV where I live
who here feels my pain?
Fred Lovato is Bardball’s overseas correspondent in Okinawa.
Reviving the Art of Baseball Doggerel
Opening Day games
not on TV where I live
who here feels my pain?
Fred Lovato is Bardball’s overseas correspondent in Okinawa.
Japanese concept
Of wabi-sabi captures
Cubs austerity
1BÂ Hank Greenberg
2BÂ Grant Green
SSÂ Pumpsie Green
3BÂ Andy Green
LFÂ Mike Greenwell
CFÂ Lenny Green
RFÂ Danny Green
CÂ Â Â Charlie Greene
LHPÂ Chris Green
RHPÂ Clarence Beers, Jameson Taillon, Suds Sutherland
MGRÂ Dallas Green
From 1909. Ripley went on to create the syndicated Ripley’s Believe It or Not! in 1918. Thanks to the tumblr account of Mighty Flynn.