CK None

by Michael X. Ferraro

With Kershaw slinging filthiness
and Scully narrating the scene,
The no-hit ingredients were
all in place at Chavez Ravine.

Fifteen Rockies went down on strikes
(one reaching by errant throw).
Rojas at third veered into left
to keep Clayton’s hit count to NO.

In the end, the lopsided box
score  tells only a part of the tale
Of the night that 40,000
bellowed, while 9 could only flail.


Tony Gwynn, RIP

by James Finn Garner

20 years
in the same “ugly ass” uniform.
2 full seasons with 40 strikeouts.
Yeah, 40!
A near-.400 season
One more victim of the ’94 strike.

Are a life beyond numbers
That a plaque can’t cover.

San Diego was proud
of Mr. Padre
And so are we all.