The Last Time in Seattle, 06/12/2014

by Stephen Jones

A rookie stepped up to Seattle’s home plate
And recorded his first major-league hit.
That was in 1995.

It’s full circle time, and last night
Derek Jeter did the same: In the 1st
He got a one-out single to right.

“I’ll always have fond memories of Seattle
Because this is where it began.”  He smiled.
This is now 2014.

In the 9th he got 40 seconds of grateful applause –
And while some are tired of this season’s homage,
Few will argue

That he has been the “Face of Baseball.”
No matter the stats, it is the intangible
Which makes a star.

Last night the Yankees won, 6-3, and the season
Is up for grabs.  But last night Seattle remembered
It started here in 1995.

Dream of a Baseball Star

by Gregory Corso

I dreamed Ted Williams
leaning at night
against the Eiffel Tower, weeping.

He was in uniform
and his bat lay at his feet
– knotted and twiggy.

“Randall Jarrell says you’re a poet!” I cried.
“So do I! I say you’re a poet!”

He picked up his bat with blown hands;
stood there astraddle as he would in the batter’s box,
and laughed! flinging his schoolboy wrath
toward some invisible pitcher’s mound
– waiting the pitch all the way from heaven.

It came; hundreds came! all afire!
He swung and swung and swung and connected not one
sinker curve hook or right-down-the middle.
A hundred strikes!
The umpire dressed in strange attire
thundered his judgment: YOU’RE OUT!
And the phantom crowd’s horrific boo
dispersed the gargoyles from Notre Dame.

And I screamed in my dream:
God! throw thy merciful pitch!
Herald the crack of bats!
Hooray the sharp liner to left!
Yea the double, the triple!
Hosannah the home run!


Sports Franchise Owners

by Stephen Jones

They’re mental about money.
Win-lose, $ is king.
But truth-be-told,
They’re not so bold
When the cash drawer rings.

Except when their brand
Is elevated,
And its cost is weighed
Against profit, loss
And what tomorrow brings.


by Hilary Barta

I’m faced with a team that keeps losing
Disgraced, they are not of my choosing
Should I snort and yell “Boo!”,
Or support them, stay true?
Cubs debased-ball is very confusing.


Your day should start with a visit to Hilary’s pop-culture-and-monster-movie limerick site, LimerWrecks.  Ask your doctor.