The Ghost of Post-Seasons Past

by Hilary Barta

To October the Cubbies are cruising
But to homies the subject’s confusing
By fears we are daunted
For years we’ve been haunted
By knowing our club’s knack for losing.


See Cy Young

by Hilary Barta

Kyle Hendricks, no ace all a-glitter,
Ain’t trending on Facebook or Twitter,
So isn’t it strange
This wiz with the change
Contends for a late fall no-hitter?


The Mets Have a New Outfielder

by Stuart Shea

Brandon Nimmo
Sure ain’t no dimmo.
Don’t come from Pismo and
Don’t use no gizmo.
When viewed thru a prismo,
He just wants what’s hismo.
And if he hits like a wizmo,
The Mets will not quiz mo’.


Extra! Extra!

by Hilary Barta

Game tied after nine, heads to ten
Run scored, then they tie it again
After inning sixteen
Both bullpens picked clean
Two teams that decline to say “when”


Hilary Barta runs the essential old-movie-and-horror limerick site LimerWrecks.  Check it out.